Compensatory Mitigation Wetland Installation Restoration Site 1 Alameda Point

Former NAS Alameda Point
Alameda, CA
Naval Facilities Engineering Command

Bayside Engineering Construction, Inc. (Bayside) performed biological monitoring of the compensatory mitigation wetland (CMW) at Installation Restoration Site 1 (Site 1), Alameda Point in Alameda, California, in April 2022. Site 1 is a former landfill located on the northwestern tip of Alameda Point along the eastern side of San Francisco Bay. The United States Department of the Navy owns the site.

The CMW encompasses 2.25 acres. The primary objectives of the CMW are to mitigate for the loss of wetlands and associated habitats as part of the remedial measures at Site 1 and to increase the areal extent and function of wetlands on the perimeter of San Francisco Bay that were lost due to historical development.

Site 1 is uniquely challenging because it is a radiologically controlled environment with hydrology, vegetation, and engineering intricacies. Bayside evaluated options to mitigate for the loss of wetlands and associated habitats as part of the remedial measures at Site 1 and to increase the areal extent and function of wetlands on the perimeter of the San Francisco Bay that were lost due to historical development. Bayside conducts ongoing inspections of the restoration effort on an annual basis during the growing season to document progress toward achieving the success criteria established by the Department of the Navy. In addition to the annual inspections, Bayside supports weed abatement activities, biological compliance monitoring, and reporting services for the site to maximize the probability of achieving created wetlands success criteria.


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