Natural Resources & Biological Services
Biological & Natural Resources
Flora & Fauna Surveys
Compliance Monitoring & Maintenance
GIS Analysis & Mapping
Native Habitat Creation, Management & Restoration
Non-Native & Invasive Species Control
Our team of professionals evaluates and secures required permits, establishes effective working relationships with agency representatives, meets scheduled application deadlines, and expedites application reviews throughout preconstruction, construction, and post-construction processes.
Our biological services range from surveys of at-risk species to ecological land classification to help determine the significance of natural features.
California Fish & Game Code Permits
Clean Water Act
Compensatory Mitigation Support
Special Status Species
Wetland & Waterland Delineation
“The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11 and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) honored Bayside for Outstanding Performance as a Protégé with Mentor HELIX Environmental & Planning in 2021.”