Environmental Engineering & Remediation
Bayside offers a comprehensive set of environmental services, from initial investigation through design, remediation, and site closure. We provide one-stop services to a variety of federal, state, and commercial sector clients around the country. Our in-house professional staff has extensive experience and certifications to ensure all aspects of every project meet guidelines and requirements.
CERCLA Five-Year Reviews at DoD Installations
Emerging Contaminants (including PFAS)
Hazardous & Radioactive Waste Management
Investigation, Removal & Remedial Actions
Long-term Monitoring & Operations
Military Munitions Response Program
Environmental Assessment & Compliance
Air Quality Management / Title V
Biological Monitoring & Assessment
CEQA/NEPA Document Preparation
Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Programs
Environmental Permitting
Human Health & Ecotoxicology Risk Assessments
“The project was well planned using highly qualified personnel. The project fulfilled
regulatory requirements. The deliverables were accurate. Minimal government
comments and direction were needed to complete the project.”
Spotlight Projects
NAVFAC BRAC PMO West awarded a task order to Bayside Engineering Construction, Inc. (Bayside) for colloidal activated carbon (CAC) treatment of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at Installation Restoration (IR) Site 14 at Alameda Point, Alameda, California (Site). Bayside collaborated with APTIM, Inc. on this project.
This Time Critical Removal Action (TCRA) at NOLF included transportation and offsite disposal of non- radiologically impacted non-RCRA waste, site grading, radiological surveys, soil chemical sampling, and analysis under the stockpiled materials.
Bayside supported continued operations and maintenance (O&M)/long-term monitoring (LTM) of the existing groundwater remedies, including the extraction and conveyance system, as documented in each site’s respective Record of Decision (ROD).
Structural, electrical, and plumbing repairs and retrofits as a result of earthquake damage.
Bayside performed radiological support services, including surveys, preservation of the integrity of radiological screening yard pads, and screening and disposal of excavated soil and materials.
Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) to evaluate removal action alternatives and selecting a preferred remedy. Sub-tasks include: Cultural Resource Survey, Biological Baseline Study and Monitoring Plan (includes site reconnaissance and desktop review of biological resources), additional sampling to further delineate the depth of contamination in the tailings piles and sediments.
Fieldwork support to provide vapor intrusion (VI) monitoring for up to 23 buildings at Former Naval Air Station Moffett Field.
The IRACR report follows from an ongoing project to remediate vapor intrusion (VI) of TCE, PCE, and various other harmful chemical compounds from the shallow groundwater table beneath the base. Bayside is the subcontractor for the U.S. Navy in creating the IRACR report for this listed superfund site, as well as offering various other Environmental engineering services.
Bayside conducted Five-Year Reviews of CERCLA remedies at Beale and Travis Air Force Bases.
Bayside conducted the First Five-Year Review (FYR) of remedies at Crows Landing Flight Facility IR Site 17 Administration Area Groundwater Plume.
Various activities in support of Coronavirus cleanup and disinfection.