Meet The Bayside Management Team

  • Luis Rivero

    President & CEO
    (PE, PMP)

    Mr. Rivero has over 27 years of experience managing the full spectrum of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) contaminants, including landfill caps, hazardous/radiological remediations, hazardous materials abatement, long-term monitoring, and wastewater treatment plant optimization/ design and Military Munitions Response Program Services (MMRP) for a wide range of Federal clients. He has extensive experience with various regulatory agencies and has managed multiple concurrent task orders with staff operating at sites within and outside of the Continental United States. His experience includes engineering design, quality control, cost estimating, and development of work plans. He has been responsible for installing, upgrading, operating, and maintaining water treatment plants, vapor extraction systems, bioventing, and air sparging systems, hydrology, collecting and analyzing sample data, and developing emissions source inventors.


    M.S. Environmental Engineering
    Washington State University

    B.S. Civil Engineering
    Washington State University

    Registrations & Affiliations

    Professional Engineer (AZ, NV, TX & WA)

    Project Management Professional, 2010

    Member, Society of American Military Engineers

    Member and Previous Vice President, Society of Hispanic Engineers

  • Abram Eloskof

    Vice President, Remediation
    (MS, ME, CIH)

    Mr. Eloskof has over 30 years of professional experience in managing engineering, environmental, and construction projects. He has a diversified background that encompasses complex environmental remediation work, as well as large-scale field construction projects. He has directly managed and executed more than $100 million of complex environmental projects for numerous government and private sector clients and has extensive experience with regulatory agencies.

    Mr. Eloskof’s diversified professional and practical experience includes project management, engineering design, remedial design, site assessments, remedial construction, design built, operations and maintenance, long-term monitoring and long-term maintenance, environmental compliance and permitting, and client and regulatory agency negotiations. His extensive project management experience includes environmental remediation and restoration, contaminated soil removal and in-situ and ex-situ treatments, groundwater remediation, and the development of environmental monitoring and compliance plans and reports. In addition, he has managed design-build projects and facilities equipment retrofits. He has consistently received high evaluation ratings for technical services, quality, cost and schedule management, professional project management relationships, and customer satisfaction during the execution of projects.


    M.S. Environmental Studies
    California State University, Fullerton

    Master of Engineering
    University of Toronto, Canada

    B.S. Materials Engineering, American University, 1979

    Registrations & Affiliations

    Certified Industrial Hygienist

    Registered Environmental Assessor/CA

    Member, Society of American Military Engineers

    Member, American Society of Safety Engineers

  • Leonard Malo

    Vice President, Biological & Natural Resources

    Mr. Malo graduated from the University of California at Berkeley in 1997, and his post-graduate studies focused on environmental management and wildlife’s responses to construction activities in Southern California.  For over 20 years, Mr. Malo has been providing innovative biological and permitting services for a variety of infrastructure, electrical transmission/distribution, power, telecommunications, natural gas pipeline, transportation, land use and remediation projects.  By managing high-visibility projects, and bearing responsibility for technical work products, staffing, budget, financial forecasting and schedule execution; Mr. Malo has a proven record of accomplishment.  Mr. Malo has successful working relationships with regulatory agencies, resource specialists, and colleagues that allow him to resolve natural resource conflicts in a practical, economically feasible, and environmentally compliant manner within predictable timelines.  Mr. Malo is responsible for a team of roughly 35 professionals providing an array of regulatory permitting and biological services to government and private sector clients.  His duties include – but are not limited to: independent technical review of work products; hiring and managing employees; and handling payroll, cash flow (i.e., invoicing and collections) and other financial matters - including annual operating budgets, and revenue forecasts.


    M.S. Environmental Management
    University of San Francisco

    B.S. Biology
    University of California, Berkeley

    Registrations & Affiliations

    Certified Arborist

    BLM Authorized Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard (FTHL) Biologist

  • Jorge Rivero

    Vice President, Construction

    Mr. Rivero brings more than 25 years of experience in construction management to Bayside. As a superintendent, construction manager, and construction business owner, he has successfully managed the construction of hotels and casinos, commercial buildings, and shopping centers, as well as residential and industrial structures. His resume also includes design/build and tenant improvements for a variety of clients. Mr. Rivero offers comprehensive construction project management services, spanning from initial project plans and critical path analysis to estimating and construction schedules, culminating in on-time, within-budget projects. His attention to detail and focus on safety are evident in the high level of quality control at each of his project sites.


    B.S. Construction Management
    Washington State University