Five-Year Reviews for Beale AFB and Travis AFB

Beale Air Force Base and Travis Air Force Base
Air Force Civil Engineer Center

The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) conducted Five-Year Reviews (FYRs) at Beale Air Force Base (AFB) and Travis AFB to evaluate the ongoing environmental remedies at these installations. The FYRs are prepared pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Section 121, and the National Contingency Plan. AFCEC evaluates remedies that continue to have hazardous substances, pollutants, and/or contaminants that remain at the sites above levels that allow for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure. The purpose of the FYR is to evaluate the performance of remedies and their progress toward achieving site cleanup objectives.

This was the Third FYR for Beale AFB, which included seven environmental restoration sites. This was the Fifth FYR for Travis AFB, which included 20 environmental restoration sites.


Interim Remedial Action Completion Report, IR Site 28 Vapor Intrusion


Five-Year Review for IR Site 17 Administration Area Groundwater Plume