Southern California Edison Environmental Clearance On-Call Services
Southern California
Southern California Edison
Under the Southern California Edison Environmental Clearance On-Call Services Contract, Bayside provides an array of biological and regulatory permitting services. We’ve strategically assembled a culturally diverse team comprised of highly skilled, credentialed and experienced biologists, regulatory permitting specialists and subject matter experts (i.e., ornithologists, botanists, arborists, herpetologists, mammalogists, ecologists, compliance specialists, environmental scientists, engineers, geologists, and geographic information system [GIS] professionals) to provide cost-effective natural resource solutions throughout SCE’s roughly 50,000 square mile service territory. Our diverse workforce strives to provide safe and innovative biological and permitting services. Our associates have personal working relationships with regulatory agencies, resource specialists, and colleagues that allow our team to resolve natural resource conflicts in a practical, economically feasible, and environmentally compliant manner within predictable timelines. Our staff includes roughly 35 professionals.
Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) detected by BaysideEC associates.