Five Year Review for IR Site 17 Administration Area Groundwater Plume at Former Naval Auxiliary Landing Field
Crows Landing, CA
Bayside was contracted by Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southwest and the NAVFAC Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Program Management Office (PMO) West Bayside to assess the protectiveness of the groundwater remedy and complete the first Five Year Review (FYR) Report for the IR Site 17 Administration Area Groundwater Plume at the Former NASA Crows Landing Flight Facility, Crows Landing, CA. A site inspection and interviewing were completed as a part of assessing the protectiveness of the remedy. The purpose of the site inspection was to review and document current site conditions and evaluate visual evidence regarding the implementation of the remedial actions at the Site. This effort included documenting current land use, points of access, and access requirements; presence and location of fencing; and locations and conditions of monitoring wells and other aspects of the remedies. Site inspection, document reviews, and interviews have found that the remedy is functioning as intended and is protective of human health and the environment. Public notices were published in the local newspaper to inform the local community about the First FYR for the Site. The FYR Report was approved by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) and the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) without any comments.