Imported Fill Placement

H & Kramer Co.
El Segundo, CA

H.R. Kramer, the owner of a commercial property in Los Angeles, California, awarded a contract to Bayside Engineering Construction Inc. (Bayside) to perform construction oversight, health and Safety, and Quality Control (QC) services for a recreational vehicle (RV) storage and parking lot expansion (Project Site) at 1 Chapman Way, El Segundo, California 90245, near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The RV storage and parking lot expansion project involved importing and placement of approximately 8,900 cubic yards (CY) of fill and 6,400 CY of base material per grading plan specifications and plans developed and designed by a California Professional Engineer (PE).  The primary objectives of these project services were to test the engineering properties of the imported soil and the oversee the proper placement and compaction, and to ensure that the imported soil was not contaminated with chemicals that could create an environmental problem. In addition to these quality control services, Bayside provided health and safety oversight during soil delivery and placement. Bayside provided a Site Safety Health Officer (SSHO) on­site during each workday for construction health and safety oversight and documentation purposes. The quality of the soil was tested and verified to meet commercial use following analytical testing as prescribed by the Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) Clean Soil Advisory for Imported Soils requirements for soil testing from a borrow source. The analytical lab data was reviewed by Bayside’s Chemical Engineer.  The integrity of the imported soils was assessed geotechnically, as well as chemically, by means of physical and chemical laboratory testing as well as visual inspection by Bayside’s Professional Geologist (PG) and Certified Engineering Geologist (CEG) (Bayside’s Project Geologist). During grading Bayside provided oversight and documentation of compaction testing that was conducted by nuclear density testing to verify relative compaction specifications prior to paving operations.

Bayside also oversaw stormwater BMP installations, conducted BMP inspections as needed, and acted as the regulatory interface between the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board and the client. Updates to the waterboard were provided for the project site development as they relate to stormwater and soil management during the duration of construction, and after soil stabilization had been met. 

The Project began shortly after the kick­off meeting on July 19, 2021 with all interested Project parties, and agencies present. The first day of soil import for the fill material was on July 22, 2021 and the last day of base material brought on site was September 21, 2021. Paving operations were completed at the site by the end of the 2021 Calendar year.


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